v0.9 [Jul 5, 2013]
1. Major updates:
3D water: animated water specular reflections, underwater fog
Improved procedural moon system generator
Debris rings around planets
New landforms: pseudo rivers, shield volcanoes
Music player with smooth mixing, context switching of soundtracks, repeat options and other capabilities
25 original soundtracks made by many authors
Smart blending of terrain detail textures
Detail noise textures on the planetary surface
Added types of worlds with life, improved lifeform classifications
Many improvements with space ships
Built-in avi video recorder
Fast multi-threaded Star Browser: it uses all CPU cores to generate systems and does not reduce FPS
Added Czech, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish and Turkish localizations
Installer for SpaceEngine distribution with automatic selection of localization
2. Space ships:
Supporting of emission textures
Supporting of modular models
Updated Ships Manager: ability to build, rename and destroy spacecrafts, sorting tables by any column
Easy installing of ships addons: just copy files into SpaceEngine folder, and new ships become available in the Ships Manager's build menu
Some old ships models changed to modular models
Added "SS Basic", "SS Cargo", "SS Science", "Fire Dragonfly" and "Skylone" ships
Computing the Keplerian orbital elements and rendering the Keplerian orbit of the ship
Atmospheric flight physics
Spaceship Control Panel with Autopilot buttons
Spaceship HUD (Head-Up Display) for atmospheric and space flight modes
Ships may have Main engines, Retro (Braking) engines, Hover engines and Correction engines that can be controlled separately
New ship control system: rotation with mouse, changing Main Engines and Hover Engines thrust with mouse wheel or by Control Panel, WASD keys controls correction engines only
Additional parameters in the spaceship config file (engine thrust, hyperdrive, aerodynamics)
Improved autopilot: orientation commands (Prograde, Retrograde etc), and automatic hyperjump to selected body
Simulation and Orbital physics modes for spaceships (unfinished, switch modes on the Spaceship Control panel)
Static Keplerian orbit mode for space stations artifical satellites
Improved warp bubble effect
3. Astronomy:
Improved life classification: new types of lifeforms and biomes, various types of worlds to handle life, new script parameters
Reduced density of stellar remnants (black holes, neutron stars and white dwarves)
Updated exoplanets catalog
Improved star calculator (computing of required parameters based on some parameters given in the script)
New parameter Msini (M*sin(i)) in the planet script - used instead of Mass for exoplanets with only M*sin(i) known
Procedural generation of orbital inclination in the catalog system for planets with unknown inclination, based on planets with known inclination
Computing of actual mass of a planet based on given M*sin(i) and generated orbital inclination
Added parameters in the planet script - discovery method, discovery date and date of last data update
Added lines in the planet info table - discovery method, discovery date and M*sin(i)
Implemented "HH MM SS" or "DEG MM SS" format for RA and Dec for galaxies, star clusters and nebulae
Added Vesta, Mercury and Saturn textures and landscape
Added galaxy and nebula models.
Welcomes you to the fascinating world of stars, planets, asteroids and nebula.